Xanga Layouts

xanga in out private claf euroblender < script>document.title="I'm going to fly away. Leave all this to yesterday.";

heart burn (go back »)

June 15 2007, 2:59 PM



I told my self I wouldn't let this happen again. But here it is all over again. My heart burning for love I'm just not getting. My pillows becoming river banks for tears I cry. I'm lost and you don't even notice. They say there are many fish in the sea, But what happens when you don't want to throw the one you have back. But how do u deal. My mind wants to tell you how I feel but my heart tells me to hush, that love is about pain. It's funny how you long for something so long and then when you get it everyone tries their best to make you lose the love you have longed so much for. And my heart can't take that. It's been broken to much to handle things like this. I guess this is what it feels like to have ur heart burning.


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  • Female
  • 18 years old


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